Thursday, January 9, 2020
The Origins Of The First World War - 1792 Words
The Origins of the First World War The Road To War Is Paved With Good Alliances Did a failure in alliance cause World War 1? Who’s who? Great Britain had a very large empire mostly in Africa and Asia. Britain was choosing to keep out of all matters in Europe that didn t concern them, this policy was called Splendid Isolation and for some time, it was very splendid for Britain, they were once the top for industrial and maritime industrial. Because of Splendid Isolation, it was very hard for anybody to know where Britain stood on matters (Splendid Isolation. History BlogSpot). They needed to protect their overseas empire, so the British had a very large navy. The French had a well-trained army, however France was behind Britain and German in economic wealth, it made less steel and coal than the other two countries. France and Germany had already had conflicts in the past when France lost Alsace and Lorraine to Germany back in the Franco-Prussian War of 1871 and they wanted it back, however they were just no match for Germany. For now, France had to wait Russia was the biggest, but poorest country in Europe that Tsar Nicholas ruled, however he had a very odd way of leading his country, violently stopping unpopular opinions and allowing people he liked to have a say in Russia’s policy making. Russia had a big army but they were behind on new technology. The rest of Russia’s people were simple farmers, with over 80% of the population doing some kind of land related job.Show MoreRelatedOrigins of the First World War1435 Words  | 6 PagesThe First World War was an international conflict which erupted in July 1914 involving various nations across the world. Many historians and those who have studied the Great War tend to give varied opinions as to what initially sparked the outbreak. 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