Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Negative Effects Of Freedom Of Speech - 945 Words
Freedom of speech has been expressed throughout the American culture since the Bill of Rights in 1789. Every since the First Amendment was set in place, Americans have been given the privledge of being heard without punishment from the government, however, freedom of speech can unfortuneately be abused and used to hurt people rather than supporting fellow Americans. Since Americans are allowed to voice their opinions, hate along with love is spoken. The First Amendment set a negative of power for the government by stating, â€Å"Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech – a bill of rights would declare what government could not do to its people†(Ivers, 2013). I am going to explain how federalism can really affect freedom of†¦show more content†¦Whereas, the Fourteenth Amendment is the Equal Protection Clause. This gives them the equal opportunity to open up about their marriage rights the same as a man and a woman’s right to get married . â€Å"Marriage equality is only the most recent example of the transformative power of free speech and other expressive rights†(Zick, T., 2016, para. 4). The First Amendment protects hate crime against African-Americans and gay persons. Just as the African-American’s have had to cross oceans and valleys to get to where they are today, so do gay persons. There are still people who do not accept African-Americans in America today. Not everyone agrees with the way the world is today. Some people have hate crimes against gay people because they are not the same as themselves. That is what is great about the power of freedom of speech. You are free to share your opinion, but there should not be any hate expression involved. â€Å"The Free Speech Clause has not imposed any limits on discriminatory government speech concerning race, homosexuality, or other matters relating to constitutional equality†(Zick, T., 2016, para. 7). Freedom of speech is what makes America great and what makes us a country to stand together. One negative impact of federalism on the Freedom of Speech is the hidden identity the government plays in free speech. â€Å"The identity of the governmental institution behind a law restricting free speech rights may nonetheless be a significant, if hidden, factor in free speechShow MoreRelatedEssay Exploring John Mills Harm Principle1580 Words  | 7 Pages Freedom is a necessary principle to abide by in order for the human race to function. On the other hand, freedom can be taken advantage of, thus resulting in harmful consequences to those directly and indirectly involved. 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